Old & New: Studying Genesis
Sun, May 21
A special seven part series on Genesis from Church Anew called “Old & New.”

Time & Location
May 21, 2023, 9:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Lynnwood, 6215 196th St SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, USA
This 7-week study doesn't assume that people know the Genesis story, and it invites everyone to apply it to our lived experiences. Each week, a 15-minute video will share a fresh witness to the Genesis text with dynamic storytelling from some remarkable preachers and leaders. The series draws viewers in and leaves ample room to wonder how the Bible might be made new in each of our lives. All are welcome.
With questions, contact Minister of Faith Formation David Greenlee (David@tlcs.church).
Weekly TopicsSession 1: Leaving Eden (Genesis 3)In this episode, Rev. Meta Herrick Carlson reflects on the importance of boundaries, the dangers of striving for perfection instead of being satisfied with ‘enough,’ and how God pushes us out of Eden and into the real world — to relationships and community.
Session 2: The Breath of God (Genesis 4:1-16)In the story of Cain and Abel, there are two brothers who have very different relationships with the land. One is connected; one is consumed. Rev. Tyler Sit will help us wonder about what happens when our identity gets tangled up with what we produce and when toxic masculinity threatens our relationships and connection to the land.
Session 3: The Water of Life (Genesis 6-9)In this episode, Deacon David Rojas Martínez will visit the story of Noah and the Flood. Humanity turns inward and forgets about its relationship to the Creator. They rupture their relationship to each other, all living things, and God. Together we will ponder how we experience God in nature and how we can better care for creation for the sake of future generations.
Session 4: Trusting God’s Provision (Genesis 12: 1-9)God calls Abraham and Sarah to leave their home and all that they have behind, promising them a blessing and a new nation. It is a bold promise that requires great trust, faith, and courage. With Christine Belfrey we will consider times when has God called you to a new place and how you can you deepen your roots in the places you call home.
Session 5: See & Be Seen (Genesis 16 and 21:8-21)Did you know that Hagar’s name in Hebrew means ‘Other’? Being ‘othered’ by those around her is part of her story. She flees to the desert, feeling disposable, abandoned, and forgotten. Rev. Jenny Sung will help us understand feelings of abandonment and being ‘othered,’ while also showing that God claims Hagar as His beloved and seeks to co-create with her.
Session 6: Jacob’s Blessing (Genesis 32:22-32)In this episode, we will consider family relationships. How does birth order and family folklore limit and fragment your soul identity and wholeness? In what ways do you keep score? When we follow Jacob’s lead and bravely ask God to bless us just as we are, God showers us with unconditional love.
Session 7: Dreams for Healing (Genesis 37, 45)Joseph could have used the power of his elevated position to seek revenge and continue the generational cycle of abuse. Instead, Joseph uses his power to create space for healing, including a food justice program. Together with Joe Davis we will consider how God is calling your body, your family, and your community into healing and restoration.