Beverly Piro3 days agoSERMONS[Sermon] Bound by Grace, Freed to LiveGod’s word unbinds us from the depths of despair, calling us to live in grace-filled community where we find hope, healing, and new life.
Josh Judd-Herzfeldt6 days agoWHAT'S HAPPENINGWhat's Happening for October 31, 2024Check out upcoming events & opportunities at TLCS
Hector Garfias-ToledoOct 29PASTORAL REFLECTIONSRemaining Grounded in a Stormy SeasonFaith transcends politics but calls us to seek the common good, guided by love and truth. May we find humility, patience and unity in Christ
Hector Garfias-ToledoOct 26SERMONS[Sermon] The Cycle of Givinge. Just as leaves fall and fruits decompose, only to give rise to new growth, so too are we called to a rhythm of receiving and releasing.
Josh Judd-HerzfeldtOct 24WHAT'S HAPPENINGWhat's Happening for October 24, 2024Check out upcoming events and opportunities at TLCS
Hector Garfias-ToledoOct 21STEWARDSHIPRooted in Community: Commitment SundayCommitment Sunday is October 27