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Living Water

water is life.

The Mission.

The Living Water Ministry intentionally seeks to enable communities worldwide with safe and reliable uses of water. Working together with partners, they seek to build lasting relationships, impact everyday needs of human beings and encourage long term community development through God’s message and gifts. “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38b)

Image by Geetanjal Khanna

The Problem.

We take for granted regular, reliable access to clean water. In much of the developing world, however, that access doesn’t exist. Not only do people walk great distances and carry heavy loads, they do so for dirty water which carries risks of typhoid, cholera, dysentery and other diseases. An estimated 842,000 people die each year—361,000 under the age of 5—from diarrhea as a result of unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene. This is largely preventable with access to clean water.

Image by Mario Mesaglio

What We Do.

The Living Water team carefully reviews, selects, funds, and follows up on proposals for water improvement projects around the world. We encourage partnership with other organizations to  help fully fund projects. Since 2003, provided grants for water projects throughout the world totaling over US $1 million.

living water

Your Role.

Living Water grants are funded entirely by  your generosity. You can make gifts of cash or check, or even give online. 100% of your gifts go to fund water improvement projects around the world.


The Living Water team is always looking for new members to help seek out partners and opportunities. To express interest, with questions, or for more information, contact Judy Jacobson (

Image by Linus Nylund


Housing Hope
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