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Council & Committees

leading onward.

Congregation Council.

The council is responsible for the big picture, the budget, and the policies of the congregation. Its goal is to support the congregation, recommend actions, and keep the vision of Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools growing in response to an ever-changing world.  


Two year terms are staggered so that two new officers and three or four additional members are elected by the congregation each year at a the Annual Meeting of the congregation that is typically held in the spring. In addition to those elected by the congregation, the pastor and administrator round out the membership. 


Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. All are welcome to attend and observe. To speak at a meeting, or with other comments or questions, email the council:

Mark Schmidt_edited.jpg

Mark Schmidt


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Mark Bergquist


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Bonnie Sheehan


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Clint Buetow

Vice President

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Mary Denny


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David Fox


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Judy Jacobson


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Jenny Louch


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Mark Reay


Image by Mr Cup / Fabien Barral

Minutes, Materials & Documents

For older minutes & materials, contact



In addition to the Executive Committee, made up of the four officers of the council and pastors, Trinity has five standing committees defined in its constitution: Audit, Endowment, Mutual Ministry, Nominating, and Personnel. Read about each below. Other committees and task-forces are assembled from time-to-time for specific projects or purposes.


If you are interested in serving on one of the standing committees, or are willing to be called upon for special projects, please contact President Mark Schmidt or Pastor Hector.

Image by Andrew Ridley

The Audit Committee ensures that the financial records and internal controls of the congregation are periodically evaluated to provide an independent opinion about our financial statements and whether our internal controls are adequate. Regular audits are not meant to signal distrust, but to openly demonstrate responsibility and good stewardship. The committee is composed of three voting members of the congregation elected by the council. 


If you have questions about the Audit Committee, please contact Mark Schmidt,



The Endowment Committee is a ministry that strives to provide financial encouragement to those that apply for academic scholarships, general grants for Christian service, and emergency funding.  Learn more.


Current Members: Julie Buetow, Inger Hamburg, Claudia LaFollette, Jayne Meyer, Lin Russell


Image by Hannah Busing

The Mutual Ministry Committee keeps the pastors advised about conditions within the congregation and interprets the ministry of the pastors for the congregation. Responsibilities and opportunities fall into four general areas: transition, education, reflection, and support & accompaniment. The committee includes three voting members of the congregation per pastor. Members are jointly appointed by the president and the lead pastor.


Current Members: Branda Anderson, Bill Rankin, and Vianne Reay

Mutual Ministry Committee


The Nominating Committee is elected each year, and members serve one-year terms. They work with the Lead Pastor to engage in prayerful discernment, identify, and engage in conversation with potential candidates from Trinity's formal membership to compile a list of nominees for the Congregational Council and Committees. In this work, committee members strive to listen with openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The goals of the committee are more than simply to fill open positions for the sake of filling positions, but rather to identify and encourage leaders/disciples who will guide and align the ministry and mission of Trinity rooted in a set of shared values


Current Members: Sharon Hofferber, Theresa Judd, Carl Setzer, Jude Vaders, Patty Wilder


Image by Andrew Neel

The Personnel Committee serves as an advisory board and provides recommendations to the council on personnel policies, hiring, wages, promotion, and termination. It is composed of the lead pastor, the administrator, the president or vice president (on alternating years), and three voting members of the congregation elected by the council.


Current Members: Don Boelter, Paul Delgadillo, Pastor Hector, Wayne McGuire, Kim Palmer, Mark Schmidt




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