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Neighbors in Need Report + January 18, 2025

It was dental van day on a very cold morning. Two dental teams cared for patients. They served a total of 16 Neighbors who needed such care as extractions, cavities filled, and or pain explored. Sixteen people are much healthier this afternoon than they were early this morning. Thank you to Susan and to the dental van volunteer professionals. We look forward to your return on February 15.


Special thanks to Edmonds Food Bank and Advocates Recovery for sharing the dental van flyer on their Facebook pages. That more than doubled the patient count.

This morning's burritos were the gift of our team form Holy Rosary Catholic Church. This means that our Neighbors enjoyed hot chocolate and fruit as well as the burritos. We thank you on behalf of this morning's cold and hungry crowd.


Special guests this morning 🙂 🙂 The youth group and their leaders from St Hilda St Patrick Episcopal Church were with us. To serve in the name of Martin Luther King, they held a blanket drive. They collected (seriously) an SUV full of blankets plus several bags of clothing. Additionally, they spent their morning helping Peggy and her team in the clothing bank. Thank you to this group for your frequent giving and companionship. We sure enjoy your company.


Our pantry served 74 Neighbors, 2 families and 2 pets this morning. There were several new faces among our Neighbors. The cold weather shelter had cared for 40 people last night. The buses dropped everyone off Neighbors in Need. That hot chocolate was a great welcome.


Helpful insurance benefit?? Many of our health insurance providers are now gifting us with a shopping benefit that allows us monthly or quarterly funding to purchase over the counter health care or toiletries products. If your benefit offers you more than you need, please consider using the surplus funds to purchase healthcare items to donate to our Neighbors. Suggestions would include toothpaste (travel size), toothbrushes, disposable razors, Boost or Ensure, travel size deodorant, cough drops (We can bag into smaller quantities) lip balm, travel size shampoo and conditioner, dental floss, (what did I miss?). Sincere thanks for considering this.

Be warm!


For NiN leadership

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