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Weekly Report + December 9, 2023

Another cold and wet morning - We hosted 62 neighbors and 33 families for groceries and burrito breakfast.

Sincere thanks to the team from Edmonds Universalist Unitarian Church for plentiful hot burritos. Also, sincere thank you for supplying healthy protein for our Neighbors / tuna, cheese, hard boiled eggs, and cereal. Nutrition is a BIG DEAL.

See the gift of hand knit hats that were sent to our Neighbors from the inmates at the Washington State reformatory at Monroe. This is the second batch that we have received this fall.  

If you or your friend have yarn that you will not be using, please donate it to Neighbors in Need. We will deliver it to Monroe to be used by the inmate knitting group. They do beautiful work with any weight and any amount of yarn.

Pray that a large crowd ventures out on this cold and wet evening to attend our benefit concert. The Puget Sound Brass Ensemble will be performing at Trinity at 7:00 P.M.  

Tomorrow is a second concert to benefit Neighbors in Need.  The Kwan Family Mukilteo Christmas concert will be performing at Trinity at 4:30 Sunday afternoon.

We hope to see you. 

We wish you joy filled holiday celebrations.


for NiN leadership

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