All of our Neighbors are grateful to the team from Gloria Dei Lutheran for full breakfast this morning. They served 88 plates of sausage patties, biscuits and gravy, fruit juice and milk. In addition to breakfast, the team prepared the always welcome breakfast burritos.
Gloria Dei spent a long morning with our Neighbors. Besides cooking and the necessary dishwashing, they helped fill grocery bags, visited with Neighbors and stayed to help put away tables and chairs at the end of the morning. That's a lot of work!!

Our pantry team gave out 73 bags of groceries this morning. Our count grows each week. In addition to the bagged groceries, the pantry is able to offer hoagie sandwiches (a gift from Advocates Recovery) and fresh salads and fruits (provided by Edmonds Food Bank). Good nutrition is essential to our Neighbors' coping.

Our clothing bank gave out 120 garments this morning. This DID NOT include jeans. Although several Neighbors needed dry, mended jeans, the clothing team had none to offer. Can you help? Our Neighbors need jeans (sizes 30, 32, 34, or 36). There is also need for men's underwear, men's and women's coats, and for blankets.
Tom and Mark, at our resource table, helped 11 Neighbors complete housing applications. We are grateful to Volunteers of America for trusting Neighbors in Need to be a part of their new Rapid Rehousing Program.
Sheila, nurse with Advocates Recovery Services, did a lot of wound care and assessing of symptoms this morning. During the next week, she will be following up with our Neighbors who have medical concerns and will accompany several to their medical appointments.
What a team!! Thanks to everyone for your presence and/or your prayers.
with NiN leadership